The End of Part One

It’s hard to believe that it’s October today. I have found myself willing this year to end, wishing the days away.

I have been meaning to write this post all week, but haven’t had the space in my head to sit down and write.

On Monday, I had my final round of chemo. It was both monumental, and strangely anticlimatic. I headed into the hospital at 1pm - the oncology ward was empty but for me and only two of the nurses. The treatment was uneventful and went quickly. My liver numbers were still high, but my treatment was to go ahead with a reduced dose. When I finished my treatment there was no bell to ring, no one in the room but two nurses. I thanked them profusely and walked out of the hospital. That was it. I drove home and sat on the couch and watched TV.

The biggest, most important time of that day was sharing the series. I felt pretty bad after chemo - fuzzy head and bad fatigue. My computer had been having some issues over the last 24 hours, so I had backed it up and reset the hard drive which had taken hours and had only just finished by the evening. There were then some issues with Facebook displaying an old, irrelevant thumbnail when I shared the website. It took some research and effort to fix the problem which was ridiculously hard with my chemo head. I almost put off the launch until the next day, but powered through.

Pressing the share button was a big moment. It represented so much - the end of this wild chapter. I was also so nervous to share something so personal.

I truly can’t believe the positive feedback and beautiful comments I’ve received.

Yesterday I travelled to Newcastle to meet with the radiation team. I had my scan and was given my little tattoos. I took Marcie back to her place. It really feels like the end of a chapter and the begining of a new one.I really feel as though I’ve accomplished something - survived a storm. There is much more to this journey ahead, but I’m heading into it feeling stronger every day.

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